(From The Normal Light [April 1910]: page 8)




Few persons are aware of the enormous compass of the British Empire. Great Britain is today sovereign over 11,908,277 square miles, or nearly one-fifth of the land surface of the globe, and her subjects are not far from 400,000,000 or more than one-fourth of the population of the entire globe.

The area of the British Dominion is distributed approximately as follows: In Europe, 125,095 square miles; America, 5,000,000; Australasia, 500,000,000; Africa, 2,500,000; Asia, 2,000,000.

The population of the Empire is distributed as follows: In Europe, 42,000,000; in America, 42,000,00; in Africa, 43,000,000; and in Asia 300,000,000. The white population is 56,000,000 and the colored 344,000,000.

The territory covered by the British Empire very nearly equals the combined possessions of the United States, France and China.






Abstain from intoxicating liquors.
Breathe good air.
Consume no more food than the body requires.
Drink pure water.
Exercise daily.
Find congenial occupation.
Give the body frequent baths.
Have regular habits.
Insure good digestion by proper mastication.
Justify right living by living right.
Keep your head cool and your feet warm.
Make definite hours of sleep.
Never bolt your food.
Over-exercise is as bad as under-exercise.
Preserve an even temperament.
Question the benefit of too much medicine.
Remember, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
Sacrifice money, not health.
Temperance in all things.
Under no condition allow the teeth to decay.
Vanish superstition.
Worry not at all.
Yield not to discouragement.
Zealously labor in the cause of health and gain everlasting reward.